Clara Candle Plate
This dish has been sourced with the intention of giving this dish a second life. Repurposing forgotten treasures is a mindful way to love on Mama Earth and keep things out of the landfill!
- Place under your lady candle.
- Light your candle.
- Let the wax drip onto your dish, not your furniture.
- Sourced in McCall, Id
- Gently used, chip on underside of plate
- Antique Chine Blue & White Porcelain Plate
- Early 19th C. Ming Dynasty Style
Honoring your pregnant self
I have been blessed with a fertility journey that one may call easy. I made the decision with my partner and we called in our child in ceremony... and the next thing we knew we were pregnant.
I know this is not always the case for everyone, but the path from maiden to mother is an initiation that upheaves a woman's soul. We are one thing and then become another. We can lose ourself in the most precious and beautiful of gifts.
I was gifted a Fertile Mama candle during my pregnancy and lit her throughout my journey during my quiet moments. It was my way of honoring my pregnant self as I shed my old skin anew.
I would close my eyes and pray in gratitude of the gift of life I had been given while also giving myself space to mourn my old self. It was a sweet time for me, that has only made my time as a new mama more sweet. I have deep bows of gratitude for sweet beautiful candles.
Our Candles, Your Stories